Latin/Greek | Language | English | Example |
bi- | Latin | two | Signigobius biocellatus, the Twinspot goby |
deca- | Greek, deka (δεκα) | ten | Beryx decadactylus, the Alfonsino |
decem- | Latin | ten | Cnesterodon decemmaculatus, the Ten spotted live-bearer |
di- | Greek, di (δι) | two | Nannostomus digrammus, the Twostripe pencilfish |
diplo- | Greek, diploos (διπλοος) | twofold, double, twice | Parapercis diplospilus, the Doublespot grubfish |
dodeca- | Greek, dodeka (δοδεκα) | twelve | Lutjanus dodecacanthoides, the Sunbeam snapper |
enne- | Greek, ennea (εννεα) | nine; round number for many | Pteragogus enneacanthus, the Cockerel wrasse. |
hemi- | Greek, hemi (ημι) | half | Argyropelecus hemigymnus, the Half-naked hatchetfish |
hept- | Greek, hepta (ηπτα) | seven | Filimanus heptadactyla, the Sevenfinger threadfin |
hex-, hexa- | Greek, heks (εξ) | six | Pseudocheilinus hexataenia, the Sixline wrasse |
mon-, mono- | Greek, monos (μονος) | alone, single, one | Gymnothorax monostigma, the One-spot moray |
multi- | Latin, multus | many | Centropyge multicolor, the Multicolor angelfish |
novem- | Latin, novem | nine | Ginsburgellus novemlineatus, the Nineline goby |
octo-, octa- | Latin, octo Greek, (οκτω) | eight | Chaetodon octofasciatus, the Eightband butterflyfish |
pauci- | Latin, paucus | few, little | Bhanotia pauciradiata, the Few-rayed pipefish |
penta- | Greek, pente (πεντε) | five | Iniistius pentadactylus, the Fivefinger wrasse |
poly- | Greek, polus (πολυς) | many | Corythoichthys polynotatus, the Many-spotted pipefish |
quadri- | Latin | four | Chaetodon quadrimaculatus, the Fourspot butterflyfish |
quinque- | Latin | five | Cheilodipterus quinquelineatus, the Five-lined cardinalfish |
semi- | Latin | half | Pomacanthus semicirculatus, the Semicircle angelfish |
septem- | Latin | seven | Thalassoma septemfasciatum, the Seven-banded wrasse |
sex- | Latin | six | Pomacanthus sexstriatus, the Sixbar angelfish |
tetra- | Greek, (τετρα) | four | Pseudocheilinus tetrataenia, the Four-lined wrasse |
tri- | Latin, tres Greek, tria (τρια) | three | Chrysiptera tricincta, the Threeband damselfish |
uni- | Latin, unus | one, single | Chaetodon unimaculatus, the Teardrop butterflyfish |