
An eponym, or eponymous epithet, is where a species is named after a person; this may be a renowned zoologist, in the case of fishes usually an ichthyologist, a colleague, a friend, a family member, or a dignitary. Most often, but not always, this is based on a surname. The name is ‘Latinized’ giving it the same gender, case, and tense as the genus name. It can usually be recognised by having either the male genitive endings -i, -ii, (both singular), -orum (plural) or the female genitive ending ae, (singular), -arum (plural).

Eponyms are not exclusive, more than one person with the same name can be honoured, reference to the ‘authority’ (or author) along with the date of publication can help in determining the identity of the individual being honoured.

In order to be sure that a species was named after a particular person and not someone with the same surname it is necessary to examine the published species description, which can often be difficult to obtain without access to a major scientific library. It can also be very time consuming finding, then reading, multiple descriptions especially in the case of the more common surnames.

This list is a work in progress and is initially concentrating on those persons featured in the “ This Day in History …” sidebar.



Common name


Apistogramma agassizii (Steindachner, 1875)Agassiz's dwarf cichlidLouis Agassiz (1807 - 1873), Swiss born US naturalist
akihitoiPriolepis akihitoi Hoese & Larson, 2010Emperor reefgobyEmperor Akihito of Japan
AlvinellaAlvinella pompejana
Desbruyéres and Laubier, 1980
Pompeii wormDSV Alvin, US three-person submersible
alvini Laubierus alvini Aguado & Rouse, 2011N/A – Extremophile polychaeteDSV Alvin


Bathyraja andriashevi Dolganov, 1983

Little-eyed skate

Anatoly Petrovich Andriyashev (1910 - 2009), Russian marine biologist

angasiPellasimnia angasi (Reeve, 1865)Angas’s VolvaGeorge French Angas (1822 - 1886), British born Australian naturalist and painter
annandaleiLepidocephalichthys annandalei Chaudhuri, 1912Annandale loachNelson Annandale (1876 - 1924), Scottish zoologist
apefaeHallaxa apefae
Er. Marcus, 1957
N/A - dorid nudibranchAlice Pruvot-Fol (1873 - 1972), French malacologist

Haliclona (Gellius) arnesenae (Arndt, 1927)N/A – demospongeEmily Arnesen (1867 – 1928), Norwegian zoologist
artedi Coregonus artedi Lesueur, 1818Cisco Peter Artedi (1705 - 1735), Swedish naturalist


Silurus aristotelis Garman, 1890

Aristotle's Catfish

Aristotle (384 - 322 BC), Greek philosopher

Chirolophis ascanii (Walbaum, 1792)Yarrell's blennyPeter Ascanius (1723 - 1803), Norwegian naturalist
axelrodiParacheirodon axelrodi Schultz, 1956Cardinal tetraHerbert R. Axelrod (1927 - ), US tropical fish expert and publisher
babaiHypselodoris babai Gosliner & Behrens, 2000Baba's hypselodorisKikutaro Baba (1905 - 2001), Japanese malacologist
bacescui Menziesichthys bacescui Nalbant & Mayer, 1971N/A – species of SnailfishMihai Băcescu (1908 - 1999), Romanian zoologist
bairdiiBerardius bairdii
Baird's beaked whaleSpencer Fullerton Baird (1823 - 1887), US naturalist and ichthyologist
banksiiOnychoteuthis banksii (Leach, 1817)Common clubhook squidJoseph Banks (1743 - 1820), British naturalist

Psednos barnardi Chernova, 2001Blackchin dwarf snailfishKeppel Harcourt Barnard (1887 - 1964), UK born South African zoologist
bartonbeaniMelanostomias bartonbeani Parr, 1927Scaleless black dragonfishBarton Appler Bean (1860 - 1947), US ichthyologist
Thalassarachna basteri (Johnston, 1836)N/A - marine miteJob Baster (1711 - 1775), Dutch physician and naturalist
batesiiLycengraulis batesii (Günther,
Bates' sabretooth anchovyHenry Walter Bates (1825 - 1892), English naturalist
bathamaeActeonemertes bathamae Pantin, 1961N/A - nemertine or ribbon wormElizabeth Joan Batham (1917 - 1974), New Zealand marine biologist
BaudinaBaudina geographae Gordon, 2009
Baudina naturalistae Gordon, 2009
N/A - BryzoansNicolas Baudin (1754 - 1803), French explorer
BeaglichthysBeaglichthys macrophthalmus Machida, 1993Beagle cusk HMS Beagle (Darwin's ship)
beebeiLasiognathus beebei Regan & Trewavas, 1932N/A - Wolftrap anglerWilliam Beebe (1877 - 1962), US naturalist


Limnomysis benedeni  Czerniavsky, 1882

N/A - mysid shrimp

Pierre-Joseph van Beneden (1809 - 1894), Belgian zoologist


Chaetodon bennetti Cuvier, 1831

Bluelashed butterflyfish

Edward Turner Bennett (1797 -1836), English zoologist

bleekeriChrysiptera bleekeri (Fowler & Bean, 1928)Bleeker's damselPieter Bleeker (1819 - 1878), Dutch ichthyologist
blochiiPimelodus blochii Valenciennes, 1840Bloch's catfishMarcus Elieser Bloch (1723 - 1799), German ichthyologist
bobmilleriCyprinodon bobmilleri Lozano-Vilano & Contreras-Balderas, 1999San Ignacio pupfishRobert Rush Miller (1916 - 2003), US ichthyologist
boeckiParandania boecki
(Stebbing, 1888)
N/A - gammaridJonas Axel Boeck (1833 - 1873), Norwegian marine biologist
boliniLepadichthys bolini Briggs, 1962Bolin's clingfishRolf Ling Bolin (1901 - 1973), US ichthyologist
Notacanthus bonaparte Risso, 1840Shortfin spiny eel Charles Lucien Bonaparte (1803 - 1857), French zoologist
bowerbankiAcanthastrea bowerbanki Milne Edwards & Haime, 1857N/A - stony coralJames Scott Bowerbank (1797 - 1877), British naturalist
bradyiDiastylis bradyi Norman, 1879N/A - cumaceanGeorge Stewardson Brady (1832 - 1921), British zoologist
Photonectes braueri (Zugmayer, 1913)Brauer's dragonfishAugust Brauer (1863 - 1917), German zoologist
briangreeneiDolomedes briangreenei (Raven, 2016)Fishing spiderBrian Greene (1963 - ) US theoretical physicist
BrooksiaBrooksia Metcalf, 1918N/A – genus of salpsWilliam Keith Brooks (1848 - 1908), US zoologist
broussonnetiiMugil broussonnetii Valenciennes, 1836Broussonnet's mulletPierre Marie Auguste Broussonet (1761 - 1807), French naturalist


Gonimophyllum buffhamii Batters, 1892

N/A - parasitic red alga

Thomas Hughes Buffham (1840 - 1896), British phycologist

calmaniPericlimenes calmani Tattersall, 1921N/A - palaemonid shrimpWilliam Thomas Calman (1871 - 1952), Scottish zoologist


Polyacanthonotus challengeri (Vaillant, 1888)

Longnose tapirfish

HMS Challenger (Challenger expedition 1872 to 1876)

cheesemaniiLagocephalus cheesemanii (Clarke, 1897)Cheeseman's PufferThomas Frederic Cheeseman (1846 - 1923), British born New Zealand naturalist
clarkaeEnneapterygius clarkae Holleman, 1982Barred triplefinEugenie Clark (1922 - 2015), US ichthyologist


Novodinia clarki (Koehler, 1909)

N/A - Brisingid sea star

Hubert Lyman Clark (1870 - 1947), US zoologist


Acartia clausi
Giesbrecht, 1889

N/A - Calanoid copepod

Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Claus (1835 - 1899), German copepodologist

copeiXenodermichthys copei (Gill, 1884)Bluntsnout smooth-headEdward Drinker Cope (1840 - 1897), US paleontologist and ichthyologist
couchiGobius couchi Miller & El-Tawil, 1974Couch's goby Jonathan Couch (1789 - 1870), Cornish ichthyologist
DacostaDacosta Gray, 1858Genus of bivalvesEmanuel Mendez da Costa (1717 – 1791), English conchologlist
danaiCheirimedon danai Kilgallen & Lowry, 2015N/A - gammaridJames Dwight Dana (1813 - 1895), US geologist and naturalist
darcythompsoniScottoecia darcythompsoni (Scott, 1909)N/A - ostracodD'Arcy Wentworth Thompson (1860 - 1948), Scottish zoologist and mathematician
darwiniSemicossyphus darwini (Jenyns, 1842)Galápagos sheephead wrasse Charles Darwin (1809 - 1882), English naturalist
dayiPellona dayi Wongratana, 1983Day's pellona Francis Day (1829 - 1889), British naturalist
delalandiiMalacoctenus delalandii (Valenciennes, 1836)Delalande or Brazilian blennyPierre Antoine Delalande (1787 - 1823), French naturalist
delapiaeEdwardsia delapiae Carlgren & Stephenson, 1928N/A - sea anemoneMaude Jane Delap (1866 - 1953), Irish marine biologist
desjardiniiZebrasoma desjardinii (Bennett, 1836)Indian sail-fin surgeonfishJulien Desjardins (1799 - 1840), French zoologist
dewyseaPhyllopteryx dewysea Stiller, Wilson, & Rouse, 2015Ruby seadragonMary ‘Dewy’ Lowe,
US philanthropist
divaeCuthona divae (Marcus, 1961)Rose-pink CuthonaDiva Diniz Corrêa (1918 - 1993), Brazilian marine biologist
donsiPontonema donsi (Allgen, 1932)N/A - nematodeCarl Fredrik Lindemann Dons (1882 - 1949), Norwegian marine biologist
DreissenaDreissena bugensis (Andrusov, 1897)Quagga MusselM. Driessens, Limburg pharmacist
dunckeriSolegnathus dunckeri Whitley, 1927Dunker's pipehorseGeorg Duncker (1870 - 1953), German ichthyologist
dussumieri Hyporhamphus dussumieri (Valenciennes, 1847)Dussumier's halfbeakJean-Jacques Dussumier (1792 - 1883), French ship owner and collector
edgariiTurbonilla edgarii
(Melvill, 1896)
N/A - pyramidellid snailEdgar Albert Smith (1847 - 1916), British conchologist
eigenmanniaAnchoa eigenmannia Meek & Hildebrand, 1923Eigenmann's anchovy Carl H. Eigenmann (1863 - 1927), German born US ichthyologist
EmilianaEmiliania huxleyi (Lohmann) W.W.Hay & H.P.Mohler, 1967N/A - CoccolithophoreCesare Emiliani, (1922 – 1995), Italian-American geologist and micropaleontologist.
EschrichtiusEschrichtius robustus (Lilljeborg, 1861)Grey whaleDaniel Frederick Eschricht (1798 - 1863), Danish zoologist
fitzroyi Lagenorhynchus obscurus fitzroyi (Waterhouse, 1838)Dusky, or FitzRoy's, dolphinRobert FitzRoy (1805 - 1865), British naval officer and scientist
Sillago flindersi McKay, 1985Flinders' sillagoMatthew Flinders (1774 - 1814), English naval officer
forskaliHolothuria forskali Delle Chiaje, 1823Black sea cucumberPeter Forsskål (1732 - 1763), Swedish naturalist

Fowlerichthys Barbour 1941Genus of FrogfishesLikely honouring Henry Weed Fowler (1878 - 1965), US ichthyogist
freycinetiHemiscyllium freycineti (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824)Indonesia speckled carpetsharkLouis de Freycinet (1779 – 1841), French navigator


Coris gaimard (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824)

African coris

Joseph Paul Gaimard (1793 - 1858), French naturalist

gardineri Callionymus gardineri Regan, 1908Longtail dragonetJohn Stanley Gardiner (1872 - 1946), British zoologist
garmaniDiaphus garmani Gilbert, 1906Garman's lanternfishSamuel Garman (1843 1927), US naturalist
Favartia garrettii
(Pease, 1868)
N/A - murex snailAndrew Garrett (1823 - 1887), US naturalist


Ocypode gaudichaudii
H. Milne-Edwards & Lucas, 1843

Painted ghost crab

Charles Gaudichaud-Beaupré (1789 - 1854), French botanist

geoffroyMacropharyngodon geoffroy (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824)Geoffroy's wrasseÉtienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (1772 - 1844), French naturalist
giglioliiPhilinopsis gigliolii (Tapparone-Canefri, 1874)N/A - sea slugEnrico Hillyer Giglioli (1845 - 1909), Italian zoologist
gilliAmmodytoides gilli (Bean, 1895)Gill's sand lanceTheodore Nicholas Gill (1837 - 1914), US ichthyologist
girardiNotropis girardi Hubbs & Ortenburger, 1929Arkansas River shinerCharles Frédéric Girard (1822 - 1895), French born US zoologist
godeffroyiScolecenchelys godeffroyi (Regan, 1909)GodeffroyJohann Cesar VI. Godeffroy (1813 - 1885), German merchant and collector

Sternarchorhynchus goeldii de Santana & Vari, 2010Goeldi's tube-snouted ghost knifefishÉmil Goeldi (1859 – 1917), Swiss zoologist

Pazinotus goesi
Houart, 2006
N/A - murex snailAxel Teodor von Goës (1835 - 1897), Swedish naturalist
goodeiTrachinotus goodei Jordan & Evermann, 1896Great pompanoGeorge Brown Goode (1851 - 1896), US ichthyologist
gordonaeSacculina gordonae Boschma, 1933N/A - parasitic barnacleIsabella Gordon (1901 - 1988), Scottish carcinologist
Leucandra gossei (Bowerbank, 1862)N/A - calcareous spongePhilip Henry Gosse (1810 - 1888), English naturalist

Sargochromis greenwoodi (Bell-Cross, 1975)Greenwood's happyPeter Humphry Greenwood (1927 - 1995), British ichthyologist
gronoviiNomeus gronovii (Gmelin, 1789)Man-of-war fishLaurens Theodorus Gronovius (1730 - 1777), Dutch naturalist and collector of natural history objects
guichenotiCirrhitichthys guichenoti (Sauvage, 1880)Cave hawkfishAlphone Guichenot (1809 - 1876), French zoologist
haackeiParapercis haackei (Steindachner, 1884)Wavy grubfishJohann Wilhelm Haacke (1855 – 1912), German zoologist
haeckeliiScyliorhinus haeckelii (Miranda Ribeiro, 1907)Freckled catsharkErnst Haeckel (1834 - 1919), German zoologist
hamiltoniPsilorhynchus hamiltoni Conway, Dittmer, Jezisek & Ng, 2013N/A – Mountain carpFrancis Buchanan-Hamilton (1762 - 1829, Scottish naturalist
hanseniLucifer hanseni Nobili, 1905N/A - prawnHans Jacob Hansen (1855 - 1936), Danish zoologist
harveyiDasyptilon harveyi (J.D.Hooker) Papenfuss, 1958N/A – Red algaWilliam Henry Harvey (1811 - 1866), Irish phycologist


Mormyrus hasselquistii Valenciennes, 1847

Elephant snout

Fredrik Hasselquist (1722 - 1752),  Swedish naturalist

Callogobius hasseltii (Bleeker, 1851)Hasselt's gobyJohan Coenraad van Hasselt (1797 - 1823), Dutch zoologist


Acarichthys heckelii (Müller & Troschel, 1849)

Threadfin acara

Johann Jakob Heckel (1790 - 1857), Austrian ichthyologist


Neomerinthe hemingwayi Fowler, 1935 Spinycheek scorpionfishErnest Hemingway (1899 - 1961), US novelist
heraldiCentropyge heraldi Woods & Schultz, 1953Yellow angelfishEarl Stannard Herald (1914 - 1973), US ichthyologist
herreiMicrixalus herrei (Myers, 1942)Indian dancing frogAlbert W. Herre (1868 - 1962), Curator of Ichthyology in the Natural History Museum of Stanford University
herwigiRaja herwigi Krefft, 1965Cape Verde skate Walther Herwig (1838 - 1912), Prussian fisheries administrator
heymonsiSpiliphera heymonsi Steiner, 1921N/A - nematodeRichard Heymons (1867 - 1943), German zoologist
hicksoniCladiella hicksoni (Tixier-Durivault, 1944)N/A - soft coralSydney J. Hickson (1859 - 1940), British zoologist
hincksiCoryne hincksi Bonnevie, 1898N/A - athecate hydroidThomas Hincks (1818 - 1899), British naturalist
hirohitoiZanclea hirohitoi Boero, Bouillon & Gravili, 2000N/A - hydrozoanHirohito (1901 - 1989), Japanese marine biologist and Emperor of Japan
hjortiAsquamiceps hjorti (Koefoed, 1927)Barethroat slickheadJohan Hjort (1869 - 1948), Norwegian fisheries scientist


Rhodymenia holmesii Ardissone, 1893

Holmes's Rose Weed

Edward Morell Holmes (1843 - 1930), British botanist


Cladiella humesi  Verseveldt, 1974

N/A - soft coral

Arthur Grover Humes (1916 - 1999), US copepodologist


Cyclops hutchinsoni Kiefer, 1936

N/A - copepod

G. Evelyn Hutchinson (1903 - 1991), English zoologist

huxleyiEmiliania huxleyi (Lohmann) W.W.Hay & H.P.Mohler, 1967N/A - coccolithophoreThomas Henry Huxley (1825 - 1895), British biologist
hymanaeHydra hymanae Hadley & Forrest, 1949Jersey hydraLibbie Hyman (1888 - 1969), US zoologist
ijimaeNeosynchiropus ijimae (Jordan & Thompson, 1914)Japanese dragonetIsao Ijima (1861 - 1921), Japanese zoologist
innesiParacheirodon innesi (Myers, 1936)Neon tetraWilliam T. Innes (1874 - 1969), US aquarist
JamescookinaJamescookina redacta Humes, 1991N/A – Coral associated copepodJames Cook (1728 - 1779), English explorer and navigator
jacquesiGibbacousteau jacquesi Espinosa & Ortea, 2013N/A - gastropodJacques-Yves Cousteau (1910 - 1997), French oceanographer

Catalaphyllia jardinei
(Saville-Kent, 1893)
Elegance coralFrank Jardine (1841 - 1919), Australian pioneer
jenynsiSymphurus jenynsi Evermann & Kendall, 1906Jenyn's tonguefishLeonard Jenyns (1800 - 1893), English clergyman and naturalist


Cirrhilabrus jordani Snyder, 1904

Flame wrasse

David Starr Jordan (1851 - 1931), US ichthyologist

joubiniOctopus joubini Robson, 1929Atlantic pygmy octopusLouis Joubin (1861 - 1935), French marine biologist


Joubiniteuthis portieri
(Joubin, 1916)

Joubin's squid

Louis Joubin


Tealidium jungerseni
Carlgren, 1921

N/A - Sea anemone

Hector Frederik Estrup Jungersen (1854 - 1917), Danish marine biologist

Bobkabata kabatabobbus Hogans & Benz, 1990N/A – parasitic copepodZbigniew 'Bob' Kabata (1924 - 2014), Polish parasitologist
Synaphobranchus kaupii Johnson, 1862Kaup's arrowtooth eelJohann Jakob Kaup (1803 - 1873), German ichthyologist
Heteroconger klausewitzi (Eibl-Eibesfeldt & Köster, 1983)Galapagos garden eelWolfgang Klausewitz (1922 - ), German ichthyologist

Fusinus kobelti
(Dall, 1877)
Kobelt's spindleWilhelm Kobelt (1840 - 1916), German malacologist

Orthasterias koehleri (de Loriol, 1897)Rainbow starJean Baptiste François René Koehler (1860 - 1931), French zoologist
Squalius kottelati Turan, Yilmaz & Kaya, 2009Cilician Pike ChubMaurice Kottelat (1957 - ), Swiss ichthyologist


Mohnia krampi
(Thorson, 1951)

N/A - gastropod

Paul Lassenius Kramp (1887 - 1975), Danish cnidariologist



Lophotus lacepede Giorna, 1809

Crested oarfish

Bernard Germain de Lacépède (1756 - 1825), French naturalist


Seriola lalandi Valenciennes, 1833Yellowtail amberjackPierre Antoine Delalande (1787 - 1823), French naturalist
langerhansiHyalopomatus langerhansi Ehlers, 1887N/A - polychaetePaul Langerhans (1847 - 1888), German physiologist and biologist
lankesteriNeostethus lankesteri Regan, 1916N/A - priapiumfishE. Ray Lankester (1847 - 1929), British zoologist

Plectorhinchus lessonii (Cuvier, 1830)Lesson's thicklip René Primevère Lesson (1794 - 1849), French zoologist


Lesueurigobius suerii (Risso, 1810)

Lesueur's goby

Charles Alexandre Lesueur (1778 - 1846), French naturalist and artist

leydigiSphaerifer leydigi Richiardi, 1877N/A - parasitic copepodFranz Leydig (1821 - 1908), German zoologist
Chromis limbaughi Greenfield & Woods,1980Limbaugh's damselfishConrad Limbaugh (1924 - 1960), US marine biologist and diver
linneanaEunaticina linneana (Récluz, 1843)N/A - moon snailCarl Linnaeus (1707 - 1778), Swedish botanist and zoologist
lloydiiCerianthus lloydii Gosse, 1859N/A - tube anemoneWilliam Alford Lloyd (1824 - 1880), British naturalist, the first professional aquarist
LudwigiaLudwigia grandifloraWater PrimroseChristian Gottlieb Ludwig (1709-1773), German physician and botanist
Amphiprion mccullochi Whitley, 1929Whitesnout anemonefishAllan Riverstone McCulloch (1885 - 1925), Australian ichthyologist
macdonaldiTotoaba macdonaldi (Gilbert, 1890)TotoabaMarshall McDonald, (1835 - 1895), US fisheries scientist
macfarlandiFelimida macfarlandi (Cockerell, 1901)Three-stripe dorisFrank Mace MacFarland (1869 - 1951), US malacologist
MaresearsiaMaresearsia praeclara Totton, 1954N/A - siphonophoreMary Sears (1905 - 1997), US oceanographer

Protoperidinium marie-lebouriae (Paulsen, 1931) Balech, 1974N/A – dinoflagellateMarie Lebour (1876 – 1971), British marine biologist
marshallaeCalanus marshallae Frost, 1974N/A - copepodSheina Marshall (1896 - 1977), Scottish marine biologist
martiniereiCapsala martinierei Bosc, 1811N/A - Capsalid monogeneanJoseph Hugues Boissieu La Martinière (1758 - 1788), French botanist
matsubaraiBathyraja matsubarai (Ishiyama, 1952)Dusky-purple skateKiyomatsu Matsubara (1907 - 1968), Japanese ichthyologist
meekiThorichthys meeki (Brind, 1918)Firemouth cichlidSeth Eugene Meek (1859 - 1914), US ichthyologist
meesiTatia meesi Sarmento-Soares & Martins-Pinheiro, 2008N/A - Driftwood catfishGerlof Mees (1926 – 2013), Dutch ichthyologist
melvilliConus melvilli
Sowerby, 1878
N/A - Cone shellJames Cosmo Melvill (1845 - 1929) , British malacologist
menoniMystus menoni Plamoottil & Abraham, 2013Idukki MystusAmbat Gopalan Kutty Menon (1921 - 2002), Indian ichthyologist
mertensiiChaetodon mertensii Cuvier, 1831Atoll butterflyfishKarl Heinrich Mertens (1796 - 1830), German botanist and naturalist
moebiusiiSchilbe moebiusii
(Pfeffer, 1896)
N/A - Schilbid catfishKarl August Möbius (1825 - 1908), German zoologist
montaguiLiparis montagui (Donovan, 1804)Montagus seasnail (snailfish)George Montagu (1753 - 1815), English army officer and naturalist

Maurolicus muelleri (Gmelin, 1789)Silvery lightfish or Mueller's pearlsideOtto Friedrich Müller (1730 - 1784), Danish naturalist
murrayi Melanocetus murrayi Günther, 1887Murray's abyssal anglerfish John Murray (1841 - 1914), Scottish marine biologist
naresiiCypselurus naresii (Günther, 1889)Pharao flyingfishGeorge Strong Nares (1831 - 1915), British naval officer (Challenger Expedition)
nelsoniBarilius nelsoni
Barman, 1988
N/A - cyprinidJoseph S. Nelson (1937 - 2011), US ichthyologist
Nuttallia nuttallii (Conrad, 1837)California mahogany-clam Thomas Nuttall (1786 - 1859), English naturalist

Hoplichthys ogilbyi McCulloch, 1914Ogilby's ghost flatheadJames Douglas Ogilby (1853 – 1925), Irish born Australian ichthyologist
oldroydaeBittium oldroydae Bartsch, 1911N/A - cerith snailIda Shepard Oldroyd (1856 - 1940), US conchologist
OscarellaOscarella Vosmaer, 1884N/A - genus of aspiculate spongesEduard Oscar Schmidt (1823 - 1886), German zoologist
pellegriniBarbus pellegrini Poll, 1939Pellegrin's barbJacques Pellegrin (1873 - 1944), French zoologist
pelseneeriDoriopsilla pelseneeri d'Oliveira, 1895N/A - dorid nudibranchJean Paul Louis Pelseneer (1863 - 1945), Belgian malacologist
Coregonus pennantii Valenciennes, 1848GwyniadThomas Pennant (1726 - 1798), English naturalist
perezfarfanteaeTroglomexicanus perezfarfanteae (Villalobos Figueroa, 1971)N/A - freshwater shrimpIsabel Pérez Farfante (1916 - 2009), Cuban carcinologist
Lissodelphis peronii (Lacépède, 1804)Southern right whale dolphinFrançois Péron (1775 – 1810), French naturalist
petersiiGnathonemus petersii (Günther, 1862)Elephantnose fishWilhelm Peters (1815 - 1883), German naturalist
PickfordiateuthisPickfordiateuthis pulchella Voss, 1953Grass squidGrace E. Pickford (1902 - 1986), US biologist
Icelinus pietschi Yabe, Soma & Amaoka, 2001N/A - sculpin
Theodore Wells Pietsch III (1945 - ), US ichthyologist
pinkfloydiSynalpheus pinkfloydi Anker, Hultgren, De Grave, 2015Snapping shrimpBritish rock band Pink Floyd
poeyiEvoxymetopon poeyi Günther, 1887Poey's scabbardfishFelipe Poey (1799 - 1891), Cuban naturalist
polliEtmopterus polli Bigelow, Schroeder & Springer, 1953African lanternsharkMax Poll (1908 - 1991), Belgian ichthyologist
PortlandiaPortlandia Mörch, 1857Genus of saltwater clamsMargaret Bentinck, Duchess of Portland (1715 - 1785), British collector of natural history objects
PourtalesiaPourtalesia jeffreysi Thomson, 1873N/A - irregular sea urchinLouis François de Pourtalès (1824 - 1880), Swiss born US naturalist
powelliPhiline powelli
Rudman, 1970
N/A - opisthobranchArthur William Baden Powell (1901 - 1987), New Zealand conchologist
pruvotiVanneaugobius pruvoti (Fage, 1907) N/A - gobyGeorges Pruvot (1852 - 1924), French zoologist
Chicoreus rachelcarsonae
Petuch, 1987
N/A - murex snailRachel Carson (1907 - 1964), US marine biologist and conservationist
rafflesiiChaetodon rafflesii Anonymous [Bennett], 1830Latticed butterflyfishStamford Raffles (1781 - 1826), British statesman and naturalist
randalliAmblyeleotris randalli Hoese & Steene, 1978Randall's prawn-goby John E. “Jack” Randall (1924 - ), US ichthyologist


Lysmata rathbunae Chace, 1970

Rathbun cleaner shrimp or Peppermint Shrimp

Mary Jane Rathbun (1860 -1943), US zoologist


Pontinus rathbuni Goode & Bean, 1896

Highfin scorpionfish

Richard Rathbun (1852 - 1918), US biologist

reganiJulidochromis regani Poll, 1942Convict julieCharles Tate Regan (1878 - 1943), British ichthyologist
reynaudiiLoligo reynaudii d'Orbigny, 1841Cape Hope squidAuguste Adolphe Marc Reynaud (1804 - 1887), French naval surgeon and naturalist
richardsonaeDactylokepon richardsonae Stebbing, 1910N/A - isopodHarriet Richardson (1874 - 1958), US carcinologist
rickettsiCatriona rickettsi Behrens, 1984Doc's aeolid Ed Ricketts (1897 - 1948), US marine biologist
rissoCallionymus risso Lesueur, 1814Risso’s dragonetAntoine Risso (1777 - 1845), Niçard naturalist


Opistognathus rosenblatti Allen & Robertson, 1991

Blue-spotted jawfish

Richard H. Rosenblatt (1930 - 2014), US ichthyologist


Gobius roulei de Buen, 1928

Roule's goby

Louis Roule (1861 - 1942),  French naturalist

sakaiiSakaija sakaii (Takeda & Miyake, 1969)N/A - spider crabTune Sakai (1903 - 1986), Japanese carcinologist
sarsiIlyocryptus sarsi Stingelin, 1913N/A - branchiopodGeorg Ossian Sars (1837 - 1927), Norwegian zoologist
savignyiDiadema savignyi Michelin, 1845Savigny's long-spine sea urchinMarie Jules César de Savigny (1777 - 1851), French zoologist
sayDasyatis say (Lesueur, 1817)Bluntnose stingrayThomas Say (1787 - 1834), US naturalist
schauinslandiiParapercis schauinslandii (Steindachner, 1900) Redspotted sandperchHugo Schauinsland (1857 - 1937), German zoologist
scheeriMerulina scheeri Head, 1983N/A – stony coralGeorg Scheer (1910 – 2004), German coral specialist
schmidtiSycon schmidti (Haeckel, 1872)N/A - calcareous spongeEduard Oscar Schmidt (1823 - 1886), German zoologist


Schroederichthys tenuis Springer, 1966

Slender catshark

William Charles Schroeder (1895 - 1977),  US ichthyologist

sebaeAmphiprion sebae Bleeker, 1853Sebae anemonefishAlbertus Seba (1665 - 1736), Dutch collector of natural history objects


Mauremys caspica siebenrocki Wischuf & Fritz, 1997

Siebenrock's Caspian turtle

Friedrich Siebenrock (1853 - 1925),  Austrian herpetologist

sloaniChauliodus sloani Bloch & Schneider, 1801Sloane's viperfishHans Sloane (1660 - 1753), British naturalist and collector

Parapercis snyderi Jordan & Starks, 1905U-mark sandperch or Snyder's grubfishJohn Otterbein Snyder (1867 – 1943), US ichthyologist
solandriAcanthocybium solandri (Cuvier, 1832)WahooDaniel Solander (1733 - 1782), Swedish naturalist
sowerbyiEpisiphon sowerbyi Guilding, 1834Annulate tuskshellGeorge Brettingham Sowerby I (1788 - 1854), British conchologist
Chrysiptera springeri (Allen & Lubbock, 1976)Springer's demoiselleVictor G. Springer (1928 - ), US ichthyologist
stebbingiMetapenaeus stebbingi Nobili, 1904Peregrine shrimpThomas Roscoe Rede Stebbing (1835 - 1926), British zoologist
steinbeckiLampanyctus steinbecki Bolin, 1939Longfin lampfishJohn Steinbeck (1902 - 1968), US novelist

Myoxocephalus stelleri Tilesius, 1811Steller's sculpinGeorg Wilhelm Steller (1709 - 1746), German naturalist and explorer
suckleyiSqualus suckleyi (Girard, 1855)Pacific spiny dogfishGeorge Suckley (1830 - 1869), US physician and naturalist
sumneriTurbonilla sumneri Bartsch, 1909Sumner's TurbonilleFrancis Bertody Sumner (1874 - 1945), US ichthyologist
tasmaniensisScolecenchelys tasmaniensis (McCulloch, 1911)Tasmanian worm eelAbel Tasman (1603 - 1659), Dutch explorer
thieleiBenthoctopus thielei Robson, 1932N/A - octopusJohannes Thiele (1860 - 1935), German malacologist
thompsoniPlatycyamus thompsoni (Gosse, 1855)Whale louseWilliam Thompson (1822 - 1879), English naturalist and pioneer of underwater photography
thomsoniiCottunculus thomsonii (Günther, 1882) Pallid sculpinCharles Wyville Thomson (1830 - 1882), Scottish marine biologist


Typhlocarcinus thorsoni Serène, 1964

N/A - Pilumnid crab

Gunnar Thorson (1906 - 1971), Danish marine biologist

tilesiiPlocamopherus tilesii Bergh, 1877N/A - nudibranchWilhelm Gottlieb Tilesius (1769 - 1857), German naturalist
tryoniiBenthobia tryonii Dall, 1889N/A - sea snailGeorge Washington Tryon (1838 - 1888), US malacologist
turneraePenitella turnerae Evans & Fisher, 1966Turner piddockRuth Turner (1914 - 2000), US malacologist

Callionymus valenciennei Temminck & Schlegel, 1845Valenciennes’ dragonetAchille Valenciennes (1794 – 1865), French zoologist
valentiniCanthigaster valentini (Bleeker, 1853)Valentin's sharpnose pufferFrançois Valentijn (1666 - 1727), Dutch minister and naturalist
verrilliGymnothorax verrilli (Jordan & Gilbert, 1883)White-edged morayAddison Emery Verril (1839 - 1926), US zoologist
waiteiLuzonichthys waitei (Fowler, 1931)Waite's splitfinEdgar Ravenswood Waite (1866 - 1928), English-born Australian zoologist


Crenicichla wallacii Regan, 1905

N/A - Pike cichlid

Alfred Russel Wallace (1823 - 1913), British naturalist and explorer


Blastomussa wellsi
Wijsman-Best, 1973

N/A - Large polyp stony coral

John West Wells (1907 - 1994), US zoologist

whiteleggiiCubiceps whiteleggii (Waite, 1894)Shadow driftfishThomas Whitelegge (1850 - 1927), Australian naturalist
Ostracion whitleyi Fowler, 1931Whitley's boxGilbert Percy Whitley (1903 - 1975), British-born Australian ichthyologist
williamsoniElphidium williamsoni Haynes, 1973N/A - foraminiferanWilliam Crawford Williamson (1816 - 1895), English naturalist
winckworthiOctopus winckworthi Robson, 1926Winckworth’s octopusRonald Winckworth (1884 - 1950), British malacologist
Laemonema yarrellii (Lowe, 1838)CodlingWilliam Yarrell (1784 - 1856), English naturalist

If you have a question about an epynomic scientific name pertaining to any species of aquatic animal, please contact Aquatical Latin via queries@aquaticallatin.info and we’ll do our best answer your query.